When it comes to renewing our health and keeping young, more and more individuals are listening to their guts and going with a particularly powerful bacteria.

Foods are now regarded not only in terms of taste and immediate nutritional needs but also in terms of their potential to enhance our health and well-being. Thus, there is a growing interest in food ingredients with useful bioactive properties… such as in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria with antagonistic activity against pathogenic micro-organisms is growing.

Some strains of this lactic acid bacteria can generate bioactive molecules including ethanol, formic acid, fatty acids, hydrogen peroxide, and have antimicrobial activity: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

Most importantly Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Why We Need L. Rhamnosus

There are 10–100 trillion bacteria in the human body. Most of these bacteria reside within our gut and are known as microbiota collectively. They play a key role in preserving optimum wellbeing.

While a healthy balance of gut bacteria has several benefits, an imbalance is linked to multiple diseases. Imbalances include the over-abundance of a particular bacteria in our gut… or a complete lack of bacteria — such as when we consume antibiotics.

While antibiotics can wipe out much beneficial gut flora, Lactobacillus rhamnosus is one of the few probiotic strains that are resistant against antibiotics. This bacterium can also bind to and colonize in our intestinal walls because it is specially adapted to live in acidic and basic conditions within your body. These features offer a greater chance of survival for L.rhamnosus — so it can deliver longer-term benefits.

Benefits such as those derived from antioxidants!

Boasting Its Antioxidant Benefits

As our bodies age, they oxidize, meaning an imbalance begins to grow between the development of free radicals and the body’s ability to detoxify their harmful effects… ultimately compromising our cells’ viability. Antioxidants scavenge these excessive free radicals from body cells, preventing or reducing the oxidation-induced damage.

The ingestion of probiotics (specifically L.rhamnosus) alone or in food suggests that strain-specific probiotics can pose antioxidant activity and minimize oxidation-related damage. In fact, L.rhamnosus may have beneficial effects on ulcerative colitis (UC) diagnosis and management, as well as improving metabolic diseases among other health conditions.

Other Important Benefits

Numerous lines of evidence showed that modified gut microbiota is associated with many common disorders like cancer. Under L. In recent years, the different effects of rhamnosus, the anti-cancer properties have been highlighted. The Secretion of L. The strains of rhamnosus demonstrated excellent antioxidant and anti-tumor activity.

The secretion of L. rhamnosus strains mediated apoptosis in HeLa cells (cervical cancer cells). Therefore, it is considered advantageous to restore the equilibrium using the beneficial bacteria (called “probiotics”) for treating and preventing diseases.

So, the next time you’re headed to the market for some gut healing health foods, look to add this tasty strain to the mix. L. rhamnosus is available as a probiotic supplement and is commonly added to yogurts, cheeses, milk, and other dairy products to improve probiotic content and antibiotic resistance. If choosing to supplement, check with your doctor before incorporating it into your diet.